Bittles‘ Magazine 2013 really has been an excellent year for music! Not that you would know it from a quick perusal of the official charts, mind you. It seemed this year, more than others that the truly great music was hiding, needing to be coaxed out and into our ears. Yet just below the surface of the usual banal MOR type crap that pacifies the nation there was a wealth of fantastic albums vying ever more eagerly for the attention of the discerning listener.
Bittles‘ Magazine Once again it’s that time of year when everyone apart from the frustratingly organised is frantically striving to get just the right presents for all their friends and family. And as there is no better way to show someone that you love them than to embrace your part within a consumer society I thought I would use this week’s article to highlight some excellent new releases which will make the perfect gift for yourself and your family. By JOHN BITTLES
Bittles‘ Magazine | Christmas Music Special Now that we have entered that fickle month otherwise known as December, a swarm of dreaded Christmas music will have risen up from hell and attacked the ears of innocent music listeners everywhere. By JOHN BITTLES
Bittles‘ Magazine | In Concert: Mt. Wolf Live at Heaven (London) When an emerging band are as hyped as London four-piece Mt. Wolf are right now it is usually a sign that you are going to hate them with a passion. Most of this is down to the fact that over these last few years here in London town the hype machine has been chugging out faceless crap band after faceless crap band. Yet, early indications suggest that Mt. Wolf may actually warrant all the media and blog attention that has come their way! Vocalist Kate Sproule has a soft,
Bittles‘ Magazine Like any right-minded music lover I fell a little bit in love with Mod, the debut album by Jonsson/Alter upon its release in the cold autumn months of last year. It was the type of record that drifted into your consciousness and resided there unobserved until you came to realise how completely empty your life would be without it. So when news emerged of a follow-up I have to admit that I punched the air in delight (for me as a typical working-class male that is one huge display of emotion. Seriously!). By JOHN BITTLES
Bittles‘ Magazine Ah, November! That time of year when you can still get good music before the tidal wave of cash-in best offs, and albums your granny might like begin flooding the market (hello Keane and The Killers). By JOHN BITTLES
Bittles‘ Magazine | Interview with Screamin’ Rachael Rachael Cain, or Screamin’ Rachael as she is better known, is a bit of a legend in the house music scene. Labelled the »Queen of House« by those illustrious people at Billboard magazine, the name has stuck since it seems quite apt. Over the years Rachael has had a string of releases and been heavily involved with the legendary Trax Records. She has also invented her own musical genre (hip-house) together with Africa Bambaataa, and released some of the most sleazy, euphoric and downright funky music to be found. By JOHN BITTLES
Bittles‘ Magazine xAs you know we quite like to champion exciting new talent here at Titel-Magazine! And as Bluredism is relatively new to these ears, and extremely talented we thought it was about time we got him in for an interview. The lavish praise he has received from Panorama Bar regulars Ryan Elliot and Martyn shows just how well-respected Bristol-based sonic adventurer Bradley Albertides is. Having previously treated us to some rather funky beat-based 12 inches under various guises he has just sneaked out his very first artist album. By JOHN BITTLES
Bittles‘ Magazine I remember walking into my local record emporium way back in the year 1992. Of course everything was in black and white back then as colour hadn’t yet been invented. I had a singular purpose! To purchase a strange record that I had heard discussed in closed circles and hushed tones by shadowy figures with a glint in their eyes. By JOHN BITTLES
Bittles‘ Magazine Holidays are strange things if truth be told! After being informed that TITELwas going on a three week holiday I decided to take a well-deserved break from music. In this extra time I decided I would learn how to smoke a pipe (so I could appear more sophisticated) and become a lollipop scientist (the world will always need lollipops). The fact that I only lasted one day isn’t just down to the fact that pipes are pretty disgusting and lollipops are surprisingly sticky. No, it was purely down to how much excellent new music there is out there!